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Peace: Not As the World Gives

“I’m sorry this season has been hard,” she said empathetically. “It’s okay, it’s just been bittersweet,” I paused, “but isn’t it almost always bittersweet?” This life we live is full of ups and downs. It is fairly safe to say that in the course of our lifetimes we will all experience a wide range of both joy and suffering. The conversation above was one I had with a friend last week. This seemingly insignificant conversation made me think. Is life ever truly happy? Is there ever true, unblemished peace? Even when I am overjoyed with circumstances I find myself in, there are always things in my life that if I give thought to will bother me. Whether that be a broken relationship, hurtful memories, physical or mental illnesses or even just the mere knowledge that there is constant wickedness and suffering present in the world. On this side of eternity, there will always be things that hurt. I realize that if this post ended here it would sound pretty dismal. Stick with me though...

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