It's Me Again, Margret
I've sat down so many times to write this very post, but always seem to get interrupted with something. That's how life is, I suppose. We plan to do something and God brings in something else, which may require time and effort, but is worth while in the end. That seems to have been somewhat the theme of the year for me, so far. That and, well, trust. Learning to trust God has been vital in my life recently. Shouldn't it always be that way, though? It is so easy to feel like we somehow have things "under control" and that is when God often gives us a challenge that causes us to be dependent on Him. We should always live in faithful trust, but that is much easier said than done. So many times it's easier to just let your mind run away with worry. Enough ranting, here are a few new things in my life.
1. God has given my family some new challenges.
Those challenges have strengthened our relationships as a family and more importantly- our relationships with God. He is so personal, it blows my mind. He offers so much comfort and security.
2. The school year is over.
Can I get a hallelujah? I didn't have a lot of time for school last year between traveling and new responsibilities, which made me thankful for teachers' deadlines to keep me on track.
3. God is giving me confidence in the abilities He gave me.
God has really been confirming certain passions and talents in me, which has in turn given me confidence that He has a plan for me. With adulthood approaching quickly, I have been struggling some with what exactly His plans are for me. God has taught me that He will equip me for whatever He has in store, I just need to focus on what He has put before me now and not spend my time wondering about the future. Part of that is a summer job in my church's youth ministry as an apprentice. I love being able to serve there and learn the ropes of what a ministry looks like.
Just as always God is showing that even through what seem like great challenges to us, He is more than able to care for us. Here are two verses that have been a huge encouragement to me in the past year that I hope will lift you up as well:
Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can think or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,"
Romand 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and those who are called according to His purpose."
Wisdom beyond your years. I love you!